Basics Desserts Vegan

Homemade Soy Yogurt

Making yogurt in your own home kitchen is very easy and fun. I have been making yogurt for years and I can feel the difference between store bought and homemade yogurt. Homemade yogurt taste much better. It is less expensive as well. Yogurt is a wonderful snack and can be even more healthy if you make it yourself. Here is some quick easy steps that will help you make your own home made yogurt. There are so many good things about homemade yogurt that it’s tough to think of a good excuse not to make it!

Homemade Soy Yogurt

To make homemade soy yogurt you’re gonna need only two ingredients: soy milk and a starter (you can use store-bought or previously homemade soy yogurt or a yogurt starter powder). So simple and cheap. You only need to buy a store-bought yogurt or a yogurt starter powder for the first time, then you can use your own homemade soy yogurt as a starter. You can also make homemade yogurt with others plant milks, such as coconut milk, almond milk.
Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time5 minutes
Total Time10 minutes
Author: Bhavna


  • 4 cups soy milk (1 liter)
  • 1 teaspoon agar agar powder
  • ½ cup soy yogurt (125 grams) or yogurt starter powder (the amount may vary, follow the package instructions)


  • Preheat the oven at 50º C or 120º F.
  • Pour the soy milk in a saucepan, add the agar agar, stir and heat the mixture to 90º C or 195º F, but be careful because it shouldn't boil. You can use a thermometer, but it's not necessary.
  • Pour the mixture in a bowl and let it cool to 40 or 50ºC (105º F or 120º F). If you don't have a thermometer you can put your finger in the mixture and when it's hot but not burn it's ready.
  • Add the starter (soy yogurt or yogurt starter powder), stir and pour the mixture into glass jars or containers.
  • Turn off the oven, place the glass jars or containers (without lids) inside and let stand for at least 8 hours. You mustn't open the oven during this process.
  • Now you can cover the jars or containers and keep the yogurt in the fridge.


Bhavna is a founder/owner/host of her youtube channel Bhavna’s Kitchen & Living with over a million followers. Being a food enthusiast, Bhavna has been creating recipes and blogging about food since 2008. Love for healthy living motivated her to get certified as a “National Nutrition Educator” to educate herself and community around her to eat balanced, nutrient dense food. Her goal is to help people live healthy life through food and not medicines.
Bhavna is a mother of two. Her life is full of activities and love sharing her passion for food, fitness, fashion, gardening, traveling and more on her YouTube channel, Facebook page, Instagram and many other platforms. Bhavna was born and raised in India but reside in the USA at present.

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