How-To-S Kitchen Tips & Tricks Misc Other

Get the Free Apps from Bhavna’s Kitchen

Cooking up a good meal can be fun and good food brings family and friends great memories together. Check out the best cooking apps from Bhavna’s Kitchen.
It’s a real foodie cooking app in the form of a beautifully designed and rendered digital multimedia magazine. You can sort recipes and how-to videos by cuisine or by a category.

Or watch me on a big tv screen using roku app.

Watch on Amazon Fire


Bhavna is a founder/owner/host of her youtube channel Bhavna’s Kitchen & Living with over a million followers. Being a food enthusiast, Bhavna has been creating recipes and blogging about food since 2008. Love for healthy living motivated her to get certified as a “National Nutrition Educator” to educate herself and community around her to eat balanced, nutrient dense food. Her goal is to help people live healthy life through food and not medicines.
Bhavna is a mother of two. Her life is full of activities and love sharing her passion for food, fitness, fashion, gardening, traveling and more on her YouTube channel, Facebook page, Instagram and many other platforms. Bhavna was born and raised in India but reside in the USA at present.

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