Baigan or Ringan Ravaiya is basically stuffed baby eggplant. When I have small baby potatoes on hand, I stuff them as well and cook along with baby eggplants. Since my family love potato in it, I go ahead and add regular potato wedges sometimes. For variation, sometimes, I add fresh pigeon peas as well.
How to make and store Ginger, Garlic and Green chili paste
For Making Ginger Paste
- 1 lb Ginger roots peeled or with skin if young ginger
- ¼ cup Salt
For Making Garlic Paste
- 1 lb peeled garlic
- ¼ cup Salt
For Making Green chili paste
- 1 lb Green Chili
- ¼ cup Salt
- To make ginger masala paste, wash giner roots properly, pat dry and peel the skin or you can leave the skin on. I usually do not take out skin, instead you can just scrub it or leave it as it is if ginger is young, good and clean.
- Throw ginger and salt into the food processor and grind to the very fine paste.
- Store ginger paste in a plastic container and freeze it. If you add enough salt it won't get freezed even in the freezer. If it gets freeze then keep small amount of ginger paste into the refrigerator. It stays good for couple of weeks into the refrigerator even.
- I use plastic freezer containers to freeze all my pastes. Mark date on it so that you can keep track of it. Use within six months for best result.
- To make garlic paste, peel garlic. Throw garlic and salt into the food processor and grind to the very fine paste.
- Store garlic paste in a plastic container and freeze it. If you add enough salt it won't get freezed even in the freezer. If it gets freeze then keep small amount of ginger paste into the refrigerator. It stays good for couple of weeks into the refrigerator even.
- To make Green chili paste, remove stems of chilies and wash well. Pat dry.
- Throw gegreen chilies and salt into the food processor and grind to the very fine paste.
- Store green chili paste in a plastic container and freeze it. If you add enough salt it won't get freezed even in the freezer. If it gets freeze then keep small amount of ginger paste into the refrigerator. It stays good for couple of weeks into the refrigerator even.
Recommended eggplant size