Are you finding yourself constantly stressed out by your home and the ongoing to-do list created by it? Do you feel overwhelmed by the decluttering process, then never begin and then just have this constant overwhelmed feeling when it comes to your home? If this is you, you are in the RIGHT place. Today I am going to share how to overcome this stress with your home once and for all and get yourself into a good place when it comes to your home. Are you ready to make a change? Let’s jump right into it!
- The first step you need to take to get started in the whole cleaning/decluttering process is to get pumped for it DAILY. Many of you might do morning meditation to start your day off right mentally or listen to music to get your energy up. Well, I think when it comes to caring for your home, it works the same way. I definitely need my daily dose of motivation and inspiration to get started and where do I get that from? YouTube videos, blog posts like this one, magazines, books and even shopping. All of these things get me inspired to care more for my home and give it my love and attention. There are definitely times where I feel really unmotivated to clean or organize or do anything for my home for that matter, but honestly the smallest thing like watching a YouTube video gives me instant inspiration and I start wanting to tackle all the things on my to-do list.
I have a YouTube channel with TONS of cleaning motivation if you would like to check it out. I post a NEW video every Monday at 9 am central time so you will always have fresh content to get you pumped to tackle your home.
Here is my video I made to go along with this post:
2. My motto is TOP TO BOTTOM, OUTSIDE TO INSIDE. What do I mean by this? If you have a second story to your home, I want you to tackle that first. Usually, the second story consists of bedrooms and the main living area where you spend majority of your time is downstairs. So I want you to get over with cleaning and decluttering the upstairs first so that later you are just able to focus on your main living space. Also, if you have a front yard or backyard, I want you to give all of that a clean up as well and take care of any projects you have been wanting to take care of. In my opinion if the front of my house looks clean and maintained, then it gives off the impression that the rest of my home is clean too
3. So now that your second story is done, as well as your outside, you can just focus on the main floor. This is probably the floor you use the most and, in my opinion, hardest to clean and KEEP clean. I want you to ask yourself, which room do you use the most and which room is giving you the most stress and anxiety? I am going to assume you use the kitchen the most so I want you to start with that. Below is the order of rooms I think you should work on but feel free to go in whatever order you think will work best for you. When you are working on each of these rooms, I want you to work top to bottom and inside to outside.
- Kitchen
- Living room
- Bathrooms
- Bedrooms
- Laundry room
- Dining room
- Hallways
- Closets
- Fans
- Light fixtures
- Vents
- Dusting off any spider webs
- Doors
- Light switches/outlets
- Baseboards
- Windows/blinds
- Inside of cabinets/drawers/closets
- Dusting
- Laundry
- Floors
- Now here is the most important step. MAINTENANCE. There is no point in cleaning and decluttering your home if you are not going to keep up with it. You’ll just be wasting your time and energy. Maintenance really isn’t that difficult. In fact, it’s really fun and rewarding for me because it gives me a chance to appreciate all my hard work.
If you need to come up with a cleaning schedule to maintain then do that otherwise just try to do general maintenance everyday like I do. Sometimes I just go around my home and glace at spaces to see if anything needs to be decluttered or cleaned. This just helps me to stay “caught up” with that room.
I know it can feel overwhelming to have to clean and declutter your home from scratch, but know that this isn’t a project that will get done in 1 month. It takes time and patience to go through your whole home and is not going to be something that gets done overnight. So just take some time each day to work on it and eventually it’ll just become part of your routine and eventually you will have gone through all the spaces of your home.