I love to prepare this recipe because it is so quick and flavorful to satisfy my tastebuds really well. I keep Panch phoron premixed for many of my other recipes. Panch phoron is basically mix …

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Love for Healthy Living Starts Here
Welcome to Bhavna's Kitchen & Living!
Love for Healthy Living Starts Here
I love to prepare this recipe because it is so quick and flavorful to satisfy my tastebuds really well. I keep Panch phoron premixed for many of my other recipes. Panch phoron is basically mix …
A kati roll (mostly misspelled as kathi roll; Bengali: কাঠি রোল) or Frankie is a street-food dish originating from Kolkata, India. Also known as Bombay Burrito these days! In its original form, it is a …