Kharkharia or Kharkhriya or Suvari is specialty of Gujarat made during Diwali. Ladies of Village get together and make many spcial Diwali snacks. I just love Diwali festival since it brings lot of happiness. This …
Pan Pizza
This Pan Pizza comes out just like restaurant. My kids just love pan pizza. This recipe makes a great pan pizza! I do have to say tasting the crust by itself, it is very similar …

Crispy American Chop Seuy
American Chop Suey (also sometimes known as American Goulash, Macaroni Goulash or Macaroni and Beef) is an American pasta dish. But in Fusion recipe, flavors are changed and it is made Indian Chinese style and …
Singapore Noodles
This spicy specialty of Singapore “Singapore noodles” is prepared with thin vermicelli noodles, veggies and Asian spices. You can add veggies of your own choice but make sure that noodles stay crispy. Mixture of Chinese …
Aloo Bhakarwadi
This Spicy Fried Pastry filled with simply potato is eaten as a tea time snack. A fast, instant, easy-to-prepare for appetizer. Bhakharwadi consists of small, rolled wheat sliced to form small disks and filled with …